Pro Fight
Buy boxing rings at with the precise dimensions, quality construction materials and accessories and exact accessory measurements you want at discount prices! Our boxing ring selection includes: Competition Rings, Boxing Ring Canvas Covers, Deluxe Floor Boxing Rings, Boxing Ring Stairs, Boxing Ring Padding, Boxing Ring Rope Spacers, Boxing Ring Ropes, Boxing Rope Clamp, Boxing Rope Covers, Boxing Rope Retainer Ring, Boxing Corner Cushions, Boxing Ring Skirting, Boxing Ring Stool, Boxing Ring Turnbuckles, and Boxing Ring Turnbuckle Covers deals. All our Boxing Rings are in regular use at most major arenas.
This (10' X 10') Boxing Ring comes complete with:
100% steel frame construction.
- 4”x4” - 1⁄4-inch wall tubing corner posts with 1/2-inch plate base.
- 3” steel I-beams for the floorboard supports.
- 4” C- Channel for perimeter supports.
- 5” steel I-Beam for the center support.
Slotted, quick-connection design.
- The frame assembles and disassembles without needing to remove or install bolts.
Self-squaring design.
- Ring design ensures 100% square structure when assembled.
- Eliminates need for adjustment or alteration to satisfy operational needs.
Easily transportable.
- Can be assembled/disassembled in about 2 hours with a team of 2-4 people.
- No piece longer than 12 feet for ease of transport and assembly.
Ring canvas features nylon strap reinforced edges to prevent tearing.
- Available in White Duck canvas (standard) or cleanable vinyl-coated canvas.
- Vinyl coated is an excellent choice for durability and cleanliness.
Lifetime warranty on the structural steel components.
Meets or exceeds all USA Boxing and AIBA boxing rules.
Made in U.S.A.
Have Questions? CALL Customer Service at 1(800) 420-0601 or reach us VIA E-MAIL at info@boxingring.com