Buy or Rent Today! For rental rates contact customer service at (323) 460-4600. This is an official training boxing ring, which has been used at numerous boxing gyms. The unit takes approximately 2.5 hours to setup, but once it is it will be the highlight of the event.
The Floor Level Training Ring is the decades-old standard of world renowned boxing gyms across the world, and the choice of top trainers and fighters everywhere. Built for professional gyms, boxing clubs, combat training centers, health clubs, rec centers, schools, military and industrial requirements. The frame and corner posts sit and secure directly to the floor, and are manufactured with heavy-gauge steel to endure the most demanding daily training and sparring, even in the largest and busiest gyms. Efficient design incorporates four steel corner posts and our simple steel frame . . . set it and forget it. Once installed, this floor level training ring frame is permanent, built to last, and virtually maintenance free. The Floor Level Training Ring is the choice of top gyms and trainers. Comes complete with everything shown.
Floor Level Training Ring Includes All of the Following: